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AMI3012 15 inch Playing Card Holder
AMI3012 15 inch Playing Card Holder

15 inch Playing Card Holder - Discontinued

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Your Price: $12.95
Fifteen inch long slotted holder for playing cards, recipes and memos.
Part Number: AMI3012
Current Inventory:
Not for Sale.

The 15 inch Playing Card Holder is a slotted holder designed to keep cards at an easy-to-read angle. This fifteen-inch long durable plastic holder helps improve visibility and provides hands-free viewing for users with limited use of their hands.

The 15 inch Playing Card Holder has an extended front that provides a convenient place to keep pencils while playing card games. The unique slot design allows cards to be easily added or removed and keeps the cards at a readable angle. This adapted card holder can be used with playing cards, communication cards, recipe cards, and other cards. Users with limited hand strength will find using the 15 inch Playing Card Holder easier than trying to hold multiple cards in one hand.

15 inch Playing Card Holder Specifications:

  • Includes: One ten inch long playing cards holder. (Large print playing cards are sold separately.)
  • Care: Clean with household detergent and warm water solution.
  • Measures: 2 inches wide, 1-3/8 inch high, 15 inches long.
  • Made in: USA.

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