Add The Wright Stuff to your email list
To ensure our e-mails don't get mistakenly filtered out of your inbox, follow these simple steps to add us to your address book. You'll be the first to know about upcoming promotions and deals!
AOL® Users:
1. Open your The Wright Stuff e-mail.
2. Click on the "Add Address" icon.
3. [email protected] will be automatically placed in the name and e-mail field in the "Add Contact" pop-up box. Verify the information is correct.
4. Click the Save button.
5. The Wright Stuff will be automatically entered into your AOL Address Book.
If you encounter any problems, contact AOL Support.
Yahoo!® Users:
1. Open your The Wright Stuff e-mail.
2. Click "Add to Address Book" link next to the icon on far right.
3. [email protected] will be automatically placed in the e-mail field in the "Add to Address Book" page. Verify the information is correct.
4. Click "Add to Address Book".
5. The Wright Stuff will be automatically entered into your Yahoo! Address Book.
If you encounter any problems, contact Yahoo! Support.
Hotmail Users:
1. Open your The Wright Stuff e-mail.
2. Click "Save Address(es)" at the top of the message.
3. [email protected] will be automatically placed in the e-mail field in the "Add to Address Book" page.
4. The Wright Stuff will be automatically entered into your Hotmail Address Book.
If you encounter any problems, contact Hotmail Support.
EarthLink® Users:
1. Open your The Wright Stuff e-mail.
2. Click your mailbox's "Message" menu and choose "Add Senders" to your Address Book.
3. The Wright Stuff will be automatically entered into your EarthLink Address Book.
If you encounter any problems, visit EarthLink's support page.