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Enjoy the Great Outdoors with Adapted Gardening Tools

Enjoy the Great Outdoors with Adapted Gardening Tools

How do tend to a garden if you have arthritis, are elderly, or otherwise are mobility-impaired? It's one thing to overcome indoor obstacles like reaching toilet paper on a high shelf; but it's quite another thing to lift big bags of mulch, kneel
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Prepare for spring garden greatness with these tools!

Although Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog who predicts the coming of spring each year according to legend, has declared six more weeks of winter for 2014, the next gardening season will be here before you know it. You only have a few more weeks left to get everything in order for spring planting. Go ahead and check out our adaptive gardening tools that will make your planting much easier and more enjoyable. If you order now, you’re more likely to get your supplies in time!
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