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Groom and dress independently this Valentine’s Day

Groom and dress independently this Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us here at The Wright Stuff!

The world of dating and romance is already a delicate art form even without the added stress of having a limited range of motion. Whether they are already settled and married or are still looking for that special someone, people with limited range of motion want to look their best when going on a date. However, difficulty with grooming and dressing present particular obstacles. Stop stressing, take a deep breath and consider what grooming and dressing aids could make your life easier and help you keep your sense of dignity.

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Celebrate Low Vision Awareness Month 2025 with these items

February is Low Vision Awareness Month. According to AccessWorld magazine, low vision refers to vision problems that cannot be fully corrected such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Now would be a great time to get that eye exam you have been putting off! As with almost every condition, early detection is key.
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Arthritis gloves give quick, easy relief compared to other methods

Arthritis pain is one of the most annoying kinds of pain but also among the most treatable by natural methods. While pills are often necessary for relieving pain, there are many natural ways to treat pain symptoms in order to reduce recourse to pills.
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Partitioned plates enjoy deserved popularity

Many people with disabilities find plates with divided sections to be extremely helpful. There are a lot of reasons why partitioned plates make mealtime easier for people with a variety of disabilities.
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Five Things You May Know Not Know About Arthritic Aids

1. Arthritic Aids Are Not Just About Wheelchairs

In fact, arthritis is not just about discomfort associated with mobility. Persons with arthritis often have trouble with some daily tasks that seem commonplace: cooking and eating meals; bathing; grooming; and getting dressed. Arthritic aids not only ease the pain, but they allow persons with arthritis to join in with everyday activities enjoyed by other people who are not suffering from arthritis.

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A Well-Stocked Kitchen for Arthritic Cooks

Most kitchens are packed with implements as big and weighty as cast-iron Dutch ovens and small appliances and as tiny as measuring spoons and grapefruit forks. Yet out of all of those hundreds of items, consider how few are appropriate for the arthritic cook.

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Buy Big in America

This news story featured the products and businesses listed on PlusSizeYellowPages.com. This is the first of the “Plus Size Yellow Pages Road Show”. Kelly is presenting on news and magazine shows nationwide. To see the list of products that Kelly brought to TV --"Buy Big in America" on Your Morning on CN8 on 5/25/06 and on NBC in Baltimore on 7/2/06 Click Here
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When bathing and shampooing is impossible, consider No Rinse

When bathing and shampooing is impossible, consider No Rinse

Those who face mobility limitations know too well how difficult it is to find an accessible bathroom setup that meets all of their needs. Even the bathroom in one’s own home may not be properly modified and therefore virtually unusable. This means people with mobility limitations often have to rely on bed baths, which are less effective, and almost any trip will involve staying in a hotel where it is impossible to use the shower or to wash one’s hair.
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Wheelchair Safety 101

Wheelchair Safety 101

Consider wheeled devices for a moment. Cars have four wheels and a steering wheel. Bicycles have two wheels and a handlebar. Wheelchairs have four wheels and...well, no steering wheel, no handlebars.
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The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors

October is National Physical Therapy Month. We know the power that physical therapy holds for all kinds of patients, especially seniors. Seniors face a decline of overall health as part of the aging process, and also from various medical conditions. Fortunately, physical therapy provides a measure of relief from pain, supplemental treatment of several common health conditions affecting seniors, and a reduced risk of falling.
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The Arthritic Person’s Essential Guide to Getting Ready Every Day

The Arthritic Person’s Essential Guide to Getting Ready Every Day

Everyone needs their personal space. While most people have a social side, there is a time and a place for strictly personal functions. A warm bath or shower. Or dressing in the morning. Or drying one's hair or clipping nails.

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October is Physical Therapy Month

October is Physical Therapy Month

There are thousands of situations in which physical therapy is needed nationwide, from pre-existing conditions, progressive conditions, and accidents, physical therapists are a blessing in disguise. Physical therapy is one of those regular occurrences in recovery that’s underrated and overlooked. It’s a vital part to recovery and unfortunately, not everyone can receive it.

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Overcoming Severe Weakness at Mealtime

August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. SMA is a neuromuscular disease that causes extreme weakness. Many people with neuromuscular conditions like SMA and Muscular Dystrophy have great difficulty eating due to weakness in the arms and hands. A person with SMA or MD often is unable to lift a glass and can have great difficulty getting food from the table to their mouth.
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Bed rails that are there only when you need them

Part of what we do here at The Wright Stuff is help people find the products they need to do safe transfers. Transferring safely between the bed and chair or a chair and the shower is important to prevent falls that could result in everything from pesky bruises to serious injuries. For many, it is important to have something to hold on to at all times, such as bed rails and stair rails, to provide extra balance.
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Q: Is Arthritis Curable?

Q: Is Arthritis Curable?

A: No. But Effective Treatment is Available.

In instances, it appears that some types of arthritis can be curable. Persons who develop a special type of arthritis caused by Lyme disease (which results from Lyme disease) may be cured by penicillin injections.

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Myths and Facts About Arthritis Treatment Solutions

Myths and Facts About Arthritis Treatment Solutions

Because arthritis affects so many people, there are many misconceptions about effective treatments for this often debilitating condition. We would like to clear up a few misguided ideas about arthritis treatments, and hopefully pave the way to healthy solutions for persons who suffer from arthritis.
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Visiting the Library--Independently

Visiting the Library--Independently

Seniors and others suffering from arthritis often find themselves housebound. If they are fortunate enough, they may have a good network of relatives or caregivers available to shuttle them to shops, restaurants, and doctor's appointments.

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Protect yourself from stains during home activities

We know the feeling. It seems like your home is in a mess and that no matter what you do, it doesn’t stay clean.

We say, don’t worry. While it is healthy to have a basic standard of house cleanliness, the fact is that homes are not supposed to be all that clean, after all. The home is our sacred space filled with family, friends, fun activities and precious memories.

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Can an Arthritic Person Cook Up a Mean Lasagna Dinner?

You Bet--With Specially Adapted Knives, Utensils, and Plates Just for Arthritics

The kitchen presents many obstacles to arthritis sufferers. The easiest tasks often become so difficult that arthritics end up cooking foods that they didn’t really want—only because these substitute meals were easier to fix.

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Managing Dysphagia in Residents with Dementia



Source of article: Nursing Homes/Long Term Care Management

Adapted with permission from an original article published at www.speechpathology.com.

Research and statistics clearly indicate that dehydration and malnutrition are prevalent and serious concerns with skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents. Studies indicate that 54% of all newly admitted SNF residents are malnourished; the prevalence of malnourished elderly in SNFs has been reported to range from 20 to 87%. In addition, 60% of all residents experience an initial weight loss following admission.

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How to Make Gardening with a Disability Easier

People with disabilities often find themselves adapting an activity, transforming it from something that isn't doable into something that lets them be more involved and independent. People who love the outdoors, rejoice! Gardening can be a great way for people with disabilities to be active. It just takes a little creative thinking and adaptation. Here are some ways you can make gardening a fun, accessible activity.
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One Morning in the Life of an Arthritic Person

How Janice Went from Pain to Ease with Arthritic Aids

At one time, she could sleep until the sun rose high in the sky, but that was before. Now, it's early to bed and early to rise-and pain is her alarm clock. She could be anybody; we will call her Janice. What makes her different-she is an arthritic person.

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ALS-Friendly Cups For Easy Swallowing

Since the ALS Ice Bucket Campaign of 2014, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s disease, has soared in the public consciousness. In observance of ALS Awareness Month, let’s take a look at some products we offer to make the daily living activity of drinking easier for people with ALS or other progressive neuromuscular disorders.
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Celebrating Fathers with Disabilities

Celebrating Fathers with Disabilities

As Father’s Day approaches, we remember fathers of all stripes, but one segment of the population of fathers that we would like to focus on this year is dads with disabilities. While there are many resources for fathers of children with
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Three Gifts for the Male Hero in your life: Father's Day edition

Three Gifts for the Male Hero in your life: Father's Day edition

We all have that special man in our lives that we aren't really sure how to shop for, especially for Father's Day. We’ve lost count on how many coffee mugs our fathers have kept hidden in the cabinets over the years, but we do know how often they’re used -- once a year, maybe. Well it's that time of year again and this list is to help prevent another awesome dad from receiving another coffee mug or coaster for his special day.
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