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Weeding Out Pain

Kate Lohnes April 27, 2007 - 4:02PM Imagine not being able to drive a car, or pick up a pen, or pluck a weed from your garden. It sounds like a nightmare, but for people with arthritis, it sometimes becomes their reality. One of the many activities some people give up at the onset of arthritis is gardening. The constant stooping, kneeling and gripping oftentimes becomes difficult for different parts of the body, from hands to knees to backs.
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Daily living with urinary incontinence, lack of mobility

Establishing a restroom routine is important for people with mobility impairments or people who have urinary incontinence.

Managing restroom needs can be difficult for these groups of people, especially in today’s hustle-bustle environment of meetings and long work weeks.

However, it is important for you to take care of your body. Not being able to go to the restroom when you need to can cause health problems and inconveniences.

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Try a Wheelchair Umbrella this Umbrella Month

With spring and the beautiful sun and showers it brings, what better time to have a whole month dedicated to the great invention of the umbrella? That’s right. March is umbrella month, and we are selling some excellent products for you to tackle the sun and rain in style.
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Take matters into your own hands with the right portable ramp

People who rely on a wheelchair for their mobility face many obstacles in society, but one that is particularly troublesome and limiting is the wide presence of steps and curbs. Although the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 has helped to cause buildings to be more accessible, it is still not uncommon to come across entrances with no ramps. The ADA is not always enforced, and small businesses, like hole-in-the-wall restaurants, are often inaccessible. With our portable access ramps, you can take the situation into your own hands and free yourself to go anywhere without worrying as much about whether there will be a step to overcome.
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Summer reading made a breeze with these aids

We wish all our patrons and friends a good summer and a fun break from school and work. And for those who are retired, the summer is a good break from the cold and a time to go outside, sit and smell the roses.
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Summer Foot Care Tips for Seniors

Your feet work hard to keep you going. And during hot summer days, they can really take a beating. It’s especially important for seniors to take care of their feet. We’ve put together some tips for keeping all ten toes cool and clean during the hot summer months.
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Stroke Smart

Good Grips® eating utensils have large soft rubber handles to cushion your grip and are helpful for stroke survivors with limited hand mobility. The stainless steel utensils have an adjustable metal shaft that allows them to be twisted to an angle that is easy and comfortable to use.
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Staying Comfortable During Breast Cancer Treatment

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout the month, many people and organizations remind us of the importance of self-exams and screenings to help detect breast cancer as early as possible. Breast cancer is relatively common in women, as 1 in 8 will develop breast cancer, according to Breastcancer.org. Consider the following statistics from Breastcancer.org:
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Prepare for spring garden greatness with these tools!

Although Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog who predicts the coming of spring each year according to legend, has declared six more weeks of winter for 2014, the next gardening season will be here before you know it. You only have a few more weeks left to get everything in order for spring planting. Go ahead and check out our adaptive gardening tools that will make your planting much easier and more enjoyable. If you order now, you’re more likely to get your supplies in time!
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Solving Problems Around the House for Seniors

Seniors face many obstacles in a world not necessarily designed for them. And seniors encounter many of these challenges in their own homes! Moving about from room to room, reaching for items high and low, and spending some well-deserved relaxation time are just a few activities that might seem easy to many people but that can present a challenge for seniors. We’re going to take a crack at solving some of these problems that seniors face around the house.
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Seeking Solutions with Suzanne

As we age, and the execution of things we once took for granted becomes more difficult, the desire to maintain our independence becomes very important. Needing assistance from others in order to perform simple, everyday actions is not something we look forward to.
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Sclerderma Voice

Great Grips Faucet Grips make turning the water on and off an effortless task for people with scleroderma or arthritis. Each package contains two Great Grips Faucet Grips per package, one red and one blue. They're also a big help in eliminating confusion of which faucet is hot and cold water. The bright red and blue color-coded faucets provide a great visual cue.
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National Scleroderma Awareness Month: Try different creams

June is Scleroderma Awareness Month. Scleroderma is a little known disease but is almost as common in the U.S. as muscular sclerosis.
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Head to school with tablet holder, adaptive pens, scissors

The month of August is here, which means it’s back to school time. Whether you are a college student with a hectic schedule or a parent of a child with special needs, we offer a range of tools to give a smooth start to the semester.
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Arthritis gloves give quick, easy relief compared to other methods

Arthritis pain is one of the most annoying kinds of pain but also among the most treatable by natural methods. While pills are often necessary for relieving pain, there are many natural ways to treat pain symptoms in order to reduce recourse to pills.
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We have reachers for many occasions and uses

From the dawn of civilization, sticks have been one of the most beloved tools of mankind. As Teddy Roosevelt used to say, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

While we discourage violent force, we must admit sticks are useful for doing just about anything, including reaching objects and gaining leverage. Using one of our reachers are a little like having a good stick but with added state-of-the-art technology.

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President’s Day recalls need for daily independence

February is a very presidential month. Not only is it Presidents’ Day today, February 17, but February 12 happens to be Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. This American president, slain after leading the cause to end slavery, has become a symbol of liberty and human rights not only for the slaves of his time, but also for many groups since then who have had to work hard to be included in society.
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Partitioned plates enjoy deserved popularity

Many people with disabilities find plates with divided sections to be extremely helpful. There are a lot of reasons why partitioned plates make mealtime easier for people with a variety of disabilities.
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Playing cards and card holders could make Father's Day fun

When dealing with our own disabilities or those of our family members, we often feel bogged down with the medical aspect of our lives, and it’s easy to forget that all work and no play makes life rather dull. Of the many pieces of adaptive equipment you could get your disabled father for Father’s Day, you may also want to consider getting him a gift that will enhance his leisure time, such as our adaptive playing cards and playing card holders.
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Keep up the good work with our perennial gardening tools

Among the many great gardening events going on this time of year is Perennial Gardening Month, which is the month of June. This is a great time for all of you perennial plant fans to discover new summer blooms to add to your collection, whether it be yarrow or lavender.
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March is party month! Make your social life accessible

No matter how old or young you are, this time of year is party time. Mardi Gras, St. Patty’s Day, March Madness and Spring Break are all part of this awesome month, and to top it all off, tax refunds are rolling in. Now is the time to try some adaptive products that can make your party going stress-free in spite of mobility impairment.
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Osteoporosis Month: Tips and Resources

May is National Osteoporosis Month, and we’d like to take this opportunity to talk about an issue that is all too important for people with osteoporosis: fall prevention.
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Perfect Mothers Day Gifts … To Make Her Life A Little Easier!

I don’t know about you, but for the past several years it seems like most food and pill containers have become more difficult to open.
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Men’s Health Month 2014: Increase health with good seating

The month of June is really all about men—their contributions, health and wellbeing.

Not only does Father’s Day occur this month, but it is also Men’s Health Month. Furthermore, Men’s Health Week starts on June 9, 2014 and goes through Father’s Day, which is June 15.

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Celebrate Low Vision Awareness Month 2014 with these items

February is Low Vision Awareness Month. According to AccessWorld magazine, low vision refers to vision problems that cannot be fully corrected such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Now would be a great time to get that eye exam you have been putting off! As with almost every condition, early detection is key.
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