The LEDA Lower Extremity Dressing Aid was designed to increase independence for users who need assistance with lower body dressing. This simple tool allows users to pull on clothing from a sitting or standing position.
The LEDA Lower Extremity Dressing Aid is a figure 8 style frame with a cord loop handle. The user places the pants leg through the openings in the frame and wraps the waistband around the top of the frame. The attached cord and foam handle allow the user to lower the frame to the floor and then pull the pants up without bending over. Users who are unable to bend at the hip, have had hip, knee, or back surgery, or have a condition such as stroke or MS that impairs balance and strength and have difficulty dressing will find this tool to be a helpful solution. The length of the rope is 70 inches and should be cut to a comfortable length for the user. The small, lightweight, flexible frame measures 21 inches long and 8 inches wide overall. The LEDA Lower Extremity Dressing Aid helps users with limited mobility to increase their independence in dressing.
LEDA Lower Extremity Dressing Aid Instructions
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