Abraham Lincoln | Source: Believe Creative, Flikr
February is a very presidential month. Not only is it Presidents’ Day today, February 17, but February 12 happens to be Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. This American president, slain after leading the cause to end slavery, has become a symbol of liberty and human rights not only for the slaves of his time, but also for many groups since then who have had to work hard to be included in society.
Over the past thirty years, inclusion of those with disabilities in the community has been increasingly recognized as an area where attitudes and resources are lacking, and due to this awareness, the conditions for the millions of Americans with disabilities has improved. We owe this spirit of inclusion to Abraham Lincoln, who famously said, “Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
It might seem like what we offer here at The Wright Stuff in the way of adaptive products has little to do with Lincoln’s words. However, it is these types of adaptive products — from eating utensils to dressing aids, transfer mechanisms to garden tools — that have become recognized by the disability community as essential to the wellbeing, self-expression and liberty of people with disabilities. Indeed, adaptive technology has given those with limiting conditions the opportunity to go out of closed houses and institutions and be protagonists in society.
Adaptive equipment provides mobility freedom
Take, for example, just one type of adaptive tool we sell here at the right stuff — transfer devices for automobiles. Driving a car is an icon of the American ideal of freedom, and the fast mobility cars offer is often not an option for those with disabilities, limiting opportunities to participate actively in society. Transfer aids help make driving, which is essential in modern life, easier and more possible.
The Safety Sure Transfer Board is small and very mobile, which facilitates its use for getting in and out of cars.
The Automobility Solution features a Swivel Cushion that simply stays in your seat. This makes it easier to turn and step out of your car, and the Handybar, which fits into the car door striker plate to offer greater leverage, is small and discrete.
Another simple car transfer aid is the Car Caddie, which functions as a helping hand when you need to get out of your car. It consists of a belt that fastens to your car’s door frame above the window and has a grip on the end.
We genuinely hope these and our other adaptive products will work to advance the independence and freedom of those with limiting conditions.
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