The Wrist Stable Wrist Brace by BraceLab provides targeted and precise support, delivering pain relief while still allowing for a functional range of motion. The anatomical fit ensures comfortable and pain-free wear for everyday tasks and sporting activities.
The Wrist Stable Wrist Brace was designed by Judy Colditz, OT/L, CHT, FAOTA, who is also the design consultant for the Push MetaGrip Thumb CMC Brace. This unique wrist stabilization brace is specifically intended for conditions such as scapholunate instability, dorsal abutment or impingement, and wrist pain during weight-bearing activities. It is the only bracing solution tailored for the painful loaded wrist that also maintains functional motion. The adjustable strap controls the level of support and end range of motion, the narrow strap ensures that the brace sits distal to radial and ulnar styloids, and the non-elastic strap conforms to bony anatomy to maximize comfort. The top component is designed to distribute pressure from the strap during weight-bearing. The bottom component protects the median nerve from excessive compression. Both molded components distribute pressure to prevent a strangulation effect, and the brace does not impede blood flow to the hand or cause numbness.
The Wrist Stable Wrist Brace provides support for the hypermobile wrist when loaded during weight-bearing activities. It is ideal for post-injury protection for wrist pain, specifically for scapholunate tears, after distal radius fracture, wrist sprains, and other wrist injuries. The brace can be worn during the day as needed. If you have wrist pain only during certain activities, (pushups, gymnastics, etc.) wear the brace during those activities. Do NOT wear the brace when sleeping. If your wrist needs support at night, wear a wrist immobilization brace. Choose from 4 sizes, left and right, for a comfortable fit. Manufactured in the USA from premium durable materials, the Wrist Stable Wrist Brace can be worn in water and is machine washable.
Wrist Stable Wrist Brace Instructions