Your feet work hard to keep you going. And during hot summer days, they can really take a beating. It’s especially important for seniors to take care of their feet. We’ve put together some tips for keeping all ten toes cool and clean during the hot summer months.

Cut away the excess

Evolution Toenail Clippers

Evolution Toenail Clippers

It all starts by getting rid of what you don’t need. That means trimming your toenails and clearing away dry, excess skin. It can be quite a pain (literally!) to clip brittle toenails. But the ergonomic Evolution Toenail Clippers can make it much easier. They offer a design that gives you a better grip and stronger cutting power. If you have thick, very curved, or brittle toenails, you’ll enjoy clean cut of the Japanese stainless steel blades and the wide jaw opening.

Evolution Foot Smoother

Evolution Foot Smoother

As we age, our feet tend to get dry and even callused. The Evolution Foot Smoother helps you get rid of dry, callused skin–gently. It features a multi-directional stainless steel surface that allows you to smooth your foot up and down, side to side, or in gentle circles. The emery grit on the back polishes any rough spots and the catcher traps smooth-off skin until you’re ready to dispose of it.

Clean and caress

The next step in keeping those feet cool and cared for in the summer is cleaning and stimulating them. The Soapy Soles Elite is a 3-in-1 foot care product that will do just that. It has three different surfaces that allows you to clean, massage, and stimulate your feet — all without bending over! That’s because the Soapy Soles Elite suctions to the bathtub (or shower) floor. No bending over and no slipping.

Soapy Soles Elite Foot Brush

Soapy Soles Elite Foot Brush

The center oval consists of nodes or “bumps” that you can use to massage your feet. It’s also great for relieving stress. The center oval detaches so that you can replace it with the Elite Pumice Insert or the Elite Soap Dispenser. Use the pumice to exfoliate or use the soap dispenser to apply soap without bending over.

Comfort is key

Silipos Moisturizing Gel Heel Sleeves

Silipos Moisturizing Gel Heel Sleeves

Once you’ve cleared away the rough spots and treated your feet to a good cleaning and stimulation, it’s time to cool off and relax for the night. Continuously moisturize and soften your skin through the night with Silipos Moisturizing Gel Heel Sleeves. Just slip them on before you go to bed and they will provide relief to dry, hard, and cracked skin all night long. Each sleeve has a thin gel pad that is anatomically molded to fit your heel. Its gel contains medical grade mineral oil to sooth and moisturize your feet. A perfect end to a hot summer day.

With these helpful hygiene, bathing, and gel products, you can take a load off and give your feet the care and attention they deserve.